Monday, March 28, 2011

Menu Monday... What's For Dinner?!


I'll have to admit, we have been dining out way too frequently lately. With our crazy schedules and the kids extracurricular activities, it has just been easier to go out to eat. But, when we think about how much we are spending on convenience, we are once again convicted about not putting that money toward our debt snowball. So, welcome to my lame attempt at meal planning! I figure if I post it here, it will keep me accountable and maybe inspire YOU to eat at HOME, too!


Tonight, I am going to make this Spicy Shredded Pork, these Borracho (Drunk) Beans, and this Basmati Rice in hopes of making several meals out of it! I think I will try this approach the next couple of weeks and see if it makes meal planning easier.

Monday: Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup....keeping it simple since Co' Brown has a track meet and I'm under the weather. However, I am going to cook everything for the week tonight so it's ready to go!

Tuesday: Shredded Pork Tacos (see pic above! yum!) on corn tortillas, Borracho Beans & Rice

Wednesday: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Side Salad, & Fruit

Thursday: Quesadillas on the Forman Grill, Chips & Salsa

Friday: Pizza! We'll probably do frozen this week. Typically, we love to get Little Ceaser's $5 hot & ready pizzas. But for the principle of the matter, we will either buy frozen or make our own.

Saturday & Sunday? Well, I'm at work and you're on your own! :)

What is on your menu this week? Let me hear your ideas on menu planning and how you fight the urge to go out to eat!