Sunday, June 19, 2011

When Times Are Tough...

I want to make something very clear. The road we are traveling to meet our financial goals is not always easy. It has come with it's fair share of pain and suffering. I tend to focus on the positive aspects when sharing with others in hopes that it will inspire and encourage them to do the same. For the last few weeks it feels like our family has been under attack. I used to joke about karma and think about how my own misfortune would surely entertain those who I'd somehow displeased in the past. What an arrogant way to live.... believing that people are that focused on ME all of the time. Everyone has their own problems. That I firmly believe. They are not the same as mine, but they are real and difficult just the same. In the last two weeks, both of our cars broke down within 24 hours of each other. That's a pretty frustrating and humbling experience altogether. After that our son got sick, we had to deal with selling Brian's truck, and medical bills from Macy's surgery have been coming in. Last night we had to take our daughter to the emergency room after having what appeared to be a seizure. Time stood still. And through all of these things happening none of them seemed so important anymore. Who cares about the cars? Who cares about the bills? Who cares whether someone takes joy in my sorrow? All that mattered was that she was okay.... that my beautiful, brilliant, amazing gift from God was perfectly okay. The rest doesn't matter anymore. I plan to try my best in my finances, in my friendships, in my spiritual life, in my family. I will make mistakes. I will fail at times. I will disappoint you. But I will keep going. I will fight. I will fight for them. I will fight for you. I will fight for it all. -Jules

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